Dragonball Evolution: WTF?!

As a child, Dragonball Z was one of my first forays into anime (Japanese animation). It was one of the coolest shows I had ever seen. It had an ongoing story with a main character that could kick anyone's ass For an adolescent young male there was no better show.

Fast forward almost a decade and Hollywood has once again come along to destroy a little piece of my childhood. "Dragonball Evolution" written by Sam Ramsey and directed by James Wong, is essentially a reinterpretation, I guess is what you would call it, of the Dragonball Z story for the 21st century. Hence the word "evolution" in the title. But in reality it is nothing near a reinterpretation but rather a lame attempt to cash in on the popularity of the Dragonball name. Aside from character names and the fact that there are dragonballs to be collected the movie bears no resemblance to the cartoon it was supposedly based on.

The plot follows Goku (Justin Chatwin) as he attempts to collect the dragonballs in order to stop an alien named Piccolo (James Marsters) from taking over the world. In his search he encounters familiar Dragonball Z characters such as Bulma (Emmy Rossum), Yamcha (Joon Park), Chi chi (Jamie Chung), and of course Master Roshi (Chow Yun-fat).

The script for this movie is complete garbage. The fact that someone read it and thought it was good enough to be filmed blows my mind. A child could have been given a pen and a piece of paper and come up with a more compelling and coherent story. The timeline of the film is just all over the place. There are huge gaps in time and the characters just jumped from locale to locale. The dialogue is horrible and the actors' bad acting only exacerbates the problem. Not to mention that none of the characters in the film are developed at all. Any character could have substituted for any other without the film skipping a beat. Don't even get me started on the plot in general. It is so shallow that it makes Paris Hilton look like she has depth. The best part is that for some reason Ramsey felt like his plot was actually good and kept dwelling on it. As far as I can remember Dragonball Z was all about the epic fights not so much about the story. Ramsey just kept writing shitty plot point after shitty plot point and completely neglected the fighting. The few fight scenes that happened to be written in were really poorly done.

I really do not know what else to say about this movie. It was simply pure garbage and has no redeeming qualities what so ever. If I may be so bold I would like to say that it is the worst movie I have seen in recent memory and possibly ever. Yes it was that bad. I'm not even being this harsh because of my love for the anime. Judged simply as a film by it's own merit "Dragonball Evolution" is still utter garbage. For writing a script this bad Sam Ramsey should be dragged into the street and shot just to stop him from writing ever again.

Please do the world a favor and never ever pay to see this movie in any form. The only way we can stop pieces of crap like this that try to cash in on a successful franchise from ever being made is if we don't give them money. We just have to say no!


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