X-Men Origins: Wolverine : The inevitable early review *SPOILERS ARE PRESENT*

As many of you may or may not have heard on April Fool's day the working print, which means without any of the special effects done, of "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" was leaked. I guess this year the joke was on Twentieth Century Fox because this leak was not a virus or any malicious software, it was in fact what it claimed to be. Let's just say that I have managed to view the work print of the film. Is the movie worth seeing when the finished product hits theaters on May 1st?

The movie as the title suggests covers the backstory of Wolverine before he becomes a member of the X-men. The film starts with a young Logan as he find his "fake" father killed by his real father. The movie quickly moves to an older Logan as he fights war after war with his brother Victor, Sabertooth. The two are soon recruited to a secret military operation with other mutants. Logan eventually leaves because of conflict of interest. He lives a normal life for a short time but then his girlfriend is killed by his brother Victor. This prompts a Logan to seek out his brother for revenge. In the process he uncovers a larger more diabolical plot. As you can see by my vague descriptions I have tried my best to keep it spoiler free.

The plot for the most part is really thin. The story is second to watching Wolverine fight other mutants and vice versa. While watching the film the thin plot didn't really occur to me because it was entertaining to watch. However when the credits started rolling it began to dawn on me that the plot was lame. The movie started out with a bit of promise because it was interesting to see the Wolverine in his younger years but it quickly turned into just another generic action movie with explosions abound.

I really hated how the movie was written just to throw in as many X-men characters as possible. Many of them were not significant to the plot whatsoever, rather this seemed like a cheap attempt at fan service or in reality just a cheap marketing strategy as we can see from the current trailers. A young cyclops was in the movie with no real significance to the plot.

This may be a SPOILER so if you don't want to read it, navigate away from this page now!

Ok you've been warned. So in the movie deadpool makes an appearance and I feel like they really did him wrong. To use the colloquial. I've read some deadpool comics and the one in the movie really was nothing like the one in the comics. His name seemed to be just tossed around as fan service because he was barely characterized. Like most of the other characters in the movie.

The ending of the movie has one of the most anti climactic fights I have seen in a movie to date. The fight was nicely choreographed but it was short and did not seem like a fight that should close the movie. Not to mention that it contained one of the cheesiest lines ever. Something that went like "We're brothers we have to look out for each other." I kid you not.


All in all "X-men Origins: Wolverine" is a decent action movie if you're willing to shut off your mind. For all it's worth the movie is miles better than "X3" but then again that's like saying getting stabbed is better than getting shot. The movie is nowhere near as good as all the hype would have led you to believe. But I mean while watching it there was never a point when I got bored, so that counts for something. As long as you don't expect too much from the story you won't be disappointed. It is a fairly good action movie that fills all the requirements for a film of the genre. It will end up being the number one movie of the week when it's released in May and it is a good way to usher in the summer movie season.


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