Star Trek: A Successful Reboot

For as long as I can remember "Star Trek" has always been synonymous with the term "nerd." Whenever someone says "Star Trek" I associate it in my mind with older, overweight guys in red or yellow shirts and black pants going to conventions. But Director J.J. Abrams along with writers Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman have decided to try to change that image and bring the franchise into the 21st century with their 2009 film simply titled "Star Trek."

"Star Trek" is the 2nd major summer movie that has been released this year, the first being "X-men Origins: Wolverine." Being a "summer blockbuster" I personally did not expect too much from the film. But as the film's release neared I was only hearing good things. So my expectations gradually started to rise until I really expected something incredible when I finally got to see it. And amazingly I was not disappointed.

The film follows James T. Kirk (Chris Pine) as he joins star fleet and follows the events that will eventually lead him to become Captain James Kirk of the USS Enterprise. While Kirk is at star fleet a Romulan by the name of Nero (Eric Bana)attempts to destroy the planet Vulcan. That is about all I can really say about the plot without spoiling too much.

The plot of the movie was rather elaborate for a film where I was only expecting to see spaceship dogfights. I mean the plot wasn't mindblowing or anything but it was very coherent and enjoyable. I liked how almost every character had their own distinct personality and some relevance to the over all story; it didn't feel like characters were just throw in just as fan service (I'm looking at you Wolverine!), although some lines where but they still came off surprisingly well.

I was never a fan of the whole "star Trek" franchise so I had no prior expectations nor knowledge of the star trek universe. For the most part that lack of knowledge did not really impair my ability to enjoy the film because everything was explained pretty well. I did get a little bit confused by all the different races and their relationships with each other but it wasn't a big deal. Without prior expectation I absolutely loved the film. (THIS COULD BE A SPOILER! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!) I really loved the fact that they made this "Star Trek" take place in an alternate timeline from the original TV series. They essentially rebooted the franchise. But even more than that I think that making this film take place in another timeline prevents older die hard fans of the franchise from being alienated. And it allowed the writers to work in Leonard Nimoy, the original Spock, without making it feel like complete fan service.

I really liked "Star Trek." Even though my expectations were so high the film still managed to deliver. I think it should have kicked off the summer movie season rather than Wolverine, which really left a bad taste in my mouth. But that is neither here nor there. The bottom line is that "Star Trek" is a movie worth your hard earned money.

Just an fyi. The word on the internet is that Zachary Quinto, Spock, could not do the Vulcan salute so they had to glue his fingers together. Now you know and knowing is half the battle (G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra comes out on August 7th :) )


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