Ipad: The ItouchXL

It seems customary for many sites to comment on the new ipad announced by Steve Jobs. So I've decided to throw my hat in the ring, or in this case my opinion into the series of tubes. I mean I have to say something, with so many people calling the ipad "the future of gaming" or something along those lines, being a pseudo gaming site and all.
Anyway after months of hype and speculation, a couple of days ago Steve Jobs of Apple revealed the ipad putting an end to both. There were also rumors that during the press conference Jobs would also end the iphone's exclusivity with at&t. But that was not to be. I personally find the ipad to be a huge disappointment.
The ipad in my opinion simply amounts to a larger version of Apples iphone or itouch. Much of the hype I was hearing previous to the announcement was that this new device would be a tablet pc. The ipad is no tablet pc. I cannot see how this is supposed to compete with netbooks. The ipad doesn't even have flash enabled, which is a big minus in my book.
I hate onscreen keyboards. I do not like it on my itouch and I definitely don't like it on the ipad. The onscreen one has no feedback response. You're basically just touching the screen, which is smooth everywhere. Basically you need to see in order to type. I find it completely laughable that they say you can type whole papers on the ipad. It seems like it would take twice as long, if not longer. If the ipad were built with a stylus and handwriting recognition I would have seen the advantages.
The ipad comes in 16, 32,62 gig models. At first glance those seem like big numbers. But when you really think about it 64 gigs is still small compared to a netbook. I mean with the way things are now 64 gigs will be filled up in no time. So there is really no way the ipad can beat a netbook let alone a laptop.
Another problem is that the ipad is not upgradable. The way you buy it is the way it's going to stay until you buy another one. And knowing Apple's marketing strategy a new model will be out relatively soon.
The whole gaming angle is ridiculous. Itouch games are for the most part really lame. Even the "good" ones are still nothing compared to say a psp or nintendo ds. The lack of any real way to control anything makes it that much worse. The onscreen buttons are awful. There is no way that ipad can "revolutionize gaming" The ipad doesn't have the power for developers to produce any revolutionary. Touch controls are a huge gimmick and not very effective for playing games. I find it offensive in a way that so many people are touting this as the "future of gaming."
The only plus I can see is the price point. The cheapest model is $499, which is no where near the speculated $1000. But then again the speculation was so much better than the actual product. I cannot seeing buying the ipad unless you don't have an iphone or an itouch. I mean the ipad serves no purpose. Maybe it might rival amazon's kindle. But even that might be a long shot with the eye strain. It seems like Jobs just got lazy and was so secretive that he was able to manipulate people into talking about it. The ipad is just another way for Apple and third parties to sell the buyer random peripherals and accessories. I am going to say a screen protector right off the bat.
Once again I'm not impressed. After all then hype this is a huge letdown. Seriously it sounds like it's just a huge itouch with little or no benefits over buying a netbook. But regardless Apple is going to make a boat load of money because the fanboys are going to buy it no matter how useless the ipad is.


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