Return from a very long hiatus

I've been away from this blog for quite some time. The short of it is that life happened. I got a full time job that involves no writing what so ever. And it has been occupying my life for the better part of half a year, maybe more. Although I still wanted to write by the time I got home from work my energy has been drained and I couldn't bring myself to the keyboard. The same goes for weekends. I spent them mentally recovering from my stressful day job. So nothing ever got written.

Work has also hindered my ability to finish games and give them the proper attention. But I still get to them but at a slower pace so that is really no excuse. I have been seeing a fair share of movies ranging from stellar to completely dull. So no excuse there either.

It really just came down to my lack of motivation. I slowly fell into the dull routine of working a 9-5. But yesterday I had a short conversation with a friend and she said that if I truly did want to write as a career I should definitely make it a point to at least update my blog regularly. That was the little nudge I needed and I've gotten myself back to the keyboard and typing again.

So let's get this show back on the road!


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