Detective Pikachu: CGI Nostalgia

I remember back in 1999 when the first animated Pokémon movie came out. I had bothered my mom for weeks leading up to it to take me to see it on opening day and she finally caved and got tickets for us to go see it after school. I remember walking into the theater and getting this holographic hieroglyphics Mew Pokémon card that I had held onto the entire movie like it was a winning lotto ticket. I think the card is still in the desk in my room at my parent’s house.

Almost 20 years later I walked into the theater to go see Detective Pikachu and was handed a wrapped Detective Pikachu card and I felt just a little spark of joy like I had all those years ago at the first movie. Although the trailer was nothing special, I was kind of looking forward to the movie just because of how big of a role Pokémon had played during my childhood. I happily tucked the packet of Pokémon cards in my inner jacket pocket and set off for theater 7.

The movie was based on the Nintendo 3DS game of the same name, which I haven’t played. It follows a Tim Goodman (Justice Smith) a 21 year old insurance appraiser (I think that was his occupation) that has to go into the big city to clean up his estranged father’s apartment and settle his affairs after he appears to have been killed while working a case. But being a mystery not everything is as it appears and when goes to his father’s apartment, he meets the name sake of the movie detective Pikachu and the two of them begin to unravel the case that led to his father’s apparent demise.

Overall, I enjoyed the movie. I especially loved seeing the shiny new CGI Pokémon sprites. But I have to say Smith’s acting for the first two acts really irked me and took me out of the movie a bit. I get he’s supposed to be this awkward 21-year-old but all his lines were delivered with this weird unsure inconsistent cadence that felt like it should have been coming from a socially awkward 15-year-old or a bad actor. There was one emotional scene where Tim talks about his father and you’re supposed to sympathize with him but the acting is so bad that it almost feels comical. Even by the end of the journey I didn’t really like Tim nor cared what would happen to him in the future.

Luckily, Ryan Reynolds as Pikachu carries the movie on his back. I was skeptical of him voicing the character when I saw the trailer but as soon as Pikachu opened his mouth and Ryan Reynolds voice came out, I was sold. Everything that Pikachu said felt genuine although I do have to say it almost felt a little like Reynolds channeling Deadpool. But as a viewer I could connect with Pikachu, which was something I struggled to do with Tim.

The story was compelling and I wasn’t bored at any time during the movie. I didn’t see the resolution coming even though it was rather obvious in hindsight. I did hate how every character was just a cookie cutter trope; the reluctant hero, the hard-nosed heroine that no one takes seriously, evil scientist person, etc. But let’s be honest I didn’t go to the movie to see the actors I went for the Pokémon and in that regard it definitely delivered. It was nice to see Pokémon going about their lives in a city full of people and how they behaved based on their unique characteristics. This was especially true of the Mr. Mime scene, which was incredibly well done and clever. I really would have liked to just see a nature documentary style movie of the daily life of Pokémon; I would pay good money to see a Pokémon “Our Planet” narrated by Sir David Attenborough.

At the end of the day, to paraphrase Brie Larson, this movie wasn’t made for me, a 30 something MAN! Fine… it was probably made for me but I really wanted to take one stab at the meme before it dies out so give me a break. Pokémon is still a huge franchise but I think there’s a huge demographic of aging “Pokémon Trainers” like me that grew up with franchise and still love it because of how big of a part it played in our childhoods. The main character even makes some comment about how he used to want to be a Pokémon Trainer when he was a kid and I mean didn’t we all. While I may sound a bit harsh on the movie I did love it and will probably see it again in theaters or when it comes out on video. I think if you remembered Pokémon fondly from your childhood you’ll enjoy the movie. If you didn’t care about “pokemans” then this movie won’t change your mind.

I’ll end on a fantastic note! HOME ALONE SHARED UNIVERSE INCOMING! I’m just kidding but I did love that they had “Angels with Filthy Souls,” playing on a TV at one point in the film.

TL;DR: If You hate Pokémon then I hate you too. Go see the damn movie! Rating: 7 Pikachu sized deerstalkers out of 10.


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