New Direction after an almost 10 year hiatus

This is a blog that I've had for nearly a decade. I've been renewing the url constantly even though I actually stopped actively using it in 2011. But now I'd like to shift a little bit from my original purpose of reviewing video games and movies and start using this site as a sort of portfolio for my writing. I do still want to continue reviewing movie since I have an AMC A-list membership and actually watch more movies than ever but I also want to use this site as a platform for some of my more journalistic pieces as well. So rather than completely deleting all of my older posts I'd want to leave them as a reminder of my younger self and how I've grown since then. I hope that I won't be judged too harshly for those posts but if I am so be it. Going forward I hope that you will enjoy the content I create. Thank you.


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